Trade Finance Gaps in a Heightened Regulatory Environment: The Role of Development Banks
In this paper, published in the prestigious journal Global Policy, Momentus explores the role of National Development Banks (NDBs) in bridging the trade financing gap that resulted from various measures taken after the 2007 Global Financial Crisis.
Establishing A Green Bank or Greening an Existing Bank
In this peer-reviewed paper, Momentus examines the relative merits of starting a de novo Green Bank compared to “greening” and existing National Development Bank (NDB). The paper includes case studies highlighting the greening experience of various NDBs.
2018 Export Development Canada Legislative Review
This report by Momentus provides a 10-year review of Export Development Canada (EDC)’s capacity to keep pace with the competitive demands of international trade. The report was subsequently tabled in Parliament.
Evaluation of the Caribbean Aid for Trade and Regional Integration Trust Fund (CARTfund)
On behalf of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – formerly the Department for International Development (DFID) – Momentus undertook an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Caribbean Aid for Trade and Regional Integration Trust Fund (CARTFund).
The Role of National Development Banks in Catalyzing International Climate Finance
This paper assesses the role that National Development Banks (NDBs) in Latin America and the Caribbean can play at the national level to scale-up private-sector financing for climate change mitigation projects. It focuses on how NDBs can do so through the intermediation of international climate finance in their respective local credit markets.
Public Development Banks: Addressing the Challenges of Financing Climate Change Mitigation
This technical note that Momentus developed for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is designed to spur action to catalyze demand and supply sides of climate change mitigation investment projects. It includes best practices, processes, and products from Public Development Banks (PDBs) around the world.
Study on short-term trade finance and credit insurance in the European Union
In this report for the European Commission, Momentus studies the short-term trade finance and credit insurance markets in the European Union (EU). The study also examines the appropriate role for the state to plan in the business.
Supply and Demand Side Assessment of Impact Investment Within the Caribbean
In this report for the Compete Caribbean and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, Momentus identifies opportunities for impact investments in five disparate Caribbean nations. The study is aimed at the impact investment community, as well as the local policy makers within the Caribbean.
Health Diagnostic Tool for PDBs
Momentus developed this seminal Health Diagnostic Tool (HDT) for Public Development Banks (PDBs). It defines, in normative terms, what good PDB health looks like across various dimensions and is now being implemented with PDBs around the world.
Summary of Special Study Trade Facilitation Programme
In this study for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Momentus assesses five components of EBRD’s performance under the Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP).