Establishing A Green Bank or Greening an Existing Bank

Establishing A Green Bank or Greening an Existing Bank

In this peer-reviewed paper, Momentus examines the relative merits of starting a de novo Green Bank compared to “greening” and existing National Development Bank (NDB). The paper includes case studies highlighting the greening experience of various NDBs.

The recent proliferation of green finance facilities by public sector players at the national, subnational, regional and municipal levels is a response to the massive gaps between available funding and demand for funding for climate-friendly projects, and the vital need to mobilize private-sector finance to meet international obligations of the Paris Agreement. 

This paper, prepared by Momentus (formerly IFCL) and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), examines the relative merits of starting a de novo Green Bank compared to “greening” an existing National Development Bank (NDB). The report opens with a brief analysis of the general problem that demand for financing of green investments exceeds existing supply, including a description of key financial and non-financial barriers to investment. It then presents the question of whether to green existing NDBs or grow a de novo Green Bank, and identifies criteria from institutional, government, and economy-specific perspectives to help inform the decision. Finally, this paper outlines a basic process for how to ‘green’ an NDB, should that path be chosen. 

To develop this paper, our team conducted a long review of the strategic green finance work occurring throughout the world in conversation with various NDBs and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs). We also conducted a desk review of existing literature to understand the core issues and the status of green finance amongst NDBs and DFIs. Based on the conclusions developed from our research, we held a workshop at the Green Bank Design Summit in 2019 to gather opinions and information from relevant workshop participants. 

With the research conducted, we developed a peer-reviewed paper for IDB discussing approaches to catalyzing private investments through public finance institutions, considerations regarding “build or renovate” design options, the decision-making process to consider prior to choosing the options of “build or renovate”, and case studies highlighting the greening experience of various NDBs in the world. 

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