Pakistan Approves the Establishment of the New Export-Import Bank
The National Assembly of Pakistan has approved the bill that Momentus (formerly IFCL) drafted to establish the nation’s Export-Import Bank, as part of our work to operationalize the bank.
Momentus’ CENDB Hosts Innovative SME Finance workshops
Momentus’ institutional capacity building initiative, the Centre of Excellence for National Development Banks (CENDB), recently fostered peer-to-peer development among 25 participants from National Development Banks across the Caribbean and Pacific Islands.
Momentus Co-Authors Award-Winning White Paper on Sustainability in Export Finance
The White Paper was sponsored by 16 of the largest global export finance banks to look at Sustainability in Export Finance. Co-authored with Acre Impact Capital, the paper has received the Industry Innovation Award during TFX Global’s 2022 Awards, and the 2022 Industry Achievement Award from the Global Trade Review (GTR).
Webinar Series: How can NDBs mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19?
Due to the global health crisis caused by COVID-19, rising risk and economic uncertainty have become a source of anxiety across the globe. We felt a strong desire to create a platform for discussion among national DFIs and development banks who are having to accelerate their response, either by being drawn into discussions by their… Read more »
COVID Operations
How we are supporting our people, clients, and community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2019 in Review and Celebrating 20 Years of IFCL
This time of year always brings thoughts of the future, and the upcoming year is particularly special, as we celebrate the 20 year anniversary of International Financial Consulting Ltd. But before we jump ahead, it’s worth reflecting on 2019, a remarkable year for IFCL. Here are just a few of the highlights. IFCL was delighted… Read more »